Physical, spiritual, emotional

Physical, spiritual, emotional and intellectual.

These are the four main things to balance to live our lives with rythmn and balance. If you have yet to read The Rythmn of Life  by Mathew Kelly; read it!

I mean that wholeheartedly because it is one of my favorite books of all time!

The case for these four things is well made in the book. However for myself balancing all of them can be very difficult.  Yet evaulating is one of the most importants aspects of learning habits. Hence I am evaluating 2015 in terms of these four aspects.


Sleep- I slept this year. I slept more on a regular basis than ever before and it was fantastic! I actually got on a well-rested kick. I could get so much done when I was well-rested. Plus I was in such a wonderful mood. Now when I do not get enough sleep I can really feel the difference.

Exercise-I totally dropped the ball on this one. I think spending less time watching netflix would be good for this one. I think I spent way too much time sitting and my maximum # of times working out this year must have been 12 times at the most… That is an average of once a month.

Eating-Good and bad. I gave up gluten which was good for my health. Yet I was awful about eating fruits and vegetables.

Changes-Keep sleeping and being disciplined about going to bed early… Staying up super late is my weakness.  Establish a regular workout routine and start building up strength to mountain climb. I need to start running/jogging.  As well as doing HIT workouts and ab workouts.Jillian Michael’s here I come. I will eat salads everyday for either lunch or dinner. I might even throw in some canned fruit 2x a week.


In terms of prayer I was not doing super great…. Which is an important aspect. I used to journal a ton but I no longer do. I was not as adventurous in doing things outside my comfort zone especially spiritual things.

Changes- establish a basic prayer routine. I think at least a few minutes at night. I need to be more open and say yes more and do the things that I know I ought. I plan on journalling at least one line each day!


This was a rough year emotionally. A lot of family things went on that was pure crap to deal with. Honestly I do not know what is next in terms of that.

Changes- I plan on working on honesty and talking about all the things I would rather forget. I also have a few other ideas to try out. I plan on finishing counseling as well.


I read some books, bought a lot more and watched a few really good TED talks.

Changes-Read 10 pages a day. Reach 100 published posts on this blog. Listen to more TED talks.

Do you have any resolutions similar to these? These four are great guidlines for life in general. I also have a 12 month habit project which will be big in executing these goals. Stay tuned!









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